Son of David Live!

Join our live chat on Youtube or Facebook using the links below!

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The SODC Rocket Chat Community

Son of David Congregation takes place in real life through our weekly services and other events that occur in our building, but we also participate in an active online community through our server.

Anyone is welcome to join, you do not have to be part of Son of David in order to join the server. If you are interested, then simply visit the community live by clicking the link below:

SODC Chat Community -- A wholesome and uplifting discussion. Feel connected and part of something you can believe in.

Setting Up The Chat On Your Machine

You can sign on to the new chat server by visiting: https://chat.
You’ll be able to register for an account using Facebook, Google, or an email address. If you use an email address you will have to confirm your email before you can log in. If you use Facebook or Google then you’ll be able to login immediately.

Please note that you may not yet have permission to chat once you log in. We perform a manual review of all new accounts to ensure the safety and integrity of the chat community. If you have any questions about this process then you can reach out to us through our contact page here. The manual review is usually quick but may take a day or so, so please be patient with us!

Once you’re signed in you will see channels to the left of the screen. These are where discussion takes place. The general chat area is #shmooze-central, reminiscent of somewhere I believe we all enjoy :). The other channels are fairly self-explanatory by name.

If you are on mobile then you can download the Rocket.Chat application to your mobile phone. You can find it here:
There are also desktop apps available here:
You can stick to the browser as well if you prefer.
Your login will work on desktop or mobile and you can use both at the same time if you like. I usually install it on my phone and desktop so I can keep up when I’m out and about :).
I hope to see you all online. It might feel a little bit foreign at first, but I encourage you to push through. You will find yourself connecting with new people and building new relationships.
Cya online!
Son of David Online Community

Son of David Congregation requests that you prayerfully consider to continue supporting us as you are able during this time. Click the Tzedakah box to be taken to our support page or you can send in a check to our office.

19100 Muncaster Rd,
Derwood, MD 20855, USA